Ohhh the schedule. The ever-changing, important, yet very limiting two naps a day schedule. Harrison has been on this same schedule for the past two months, ever since I introduced whole milk. So really this could be a 12 to 14 month old schedule. I know I am crazy about his schedule, which is why I don’t leave the house most days. Anyone else with me?
I might as well put it out there now that I am a huge fan of Babywise. The book was first recommended to us by our good friends (thank you, thank you, thank you!) who have two amazing sleepers. I’ve read the book so many times that it’s falling apart. This book is everything. Lots of people want to tell me I just have a good baby. I guess we shall see when the next baby comes along, but I really believe this book has made life so much easier as a first time mom. Lots more to come about Babywise on this blog 😊. I even purchased the 2nd and 3rd books, I didn’t read them front to back 70 times but they do have some valuable info.
Disclaimer: I only have one child, I am not an expert. Just sharing what has worked for us. Everyone is different, every baby is different. Do what works for you and your family!
I am dreading but also looking forward to the day when Harrison drops to one nap, which Babywise says happens around 17 months. Since I work from home, nap-time is precious. At the same time, two naps a day can make it seem nearly impossible to escape the house or go to any kind of activity. Why does it seem that all events, classes or activities are during nap-time?
When Harrison was younger, I took him to ‘book babies’ at the library a couple times. It’s cute, they sing songs, read books, etc. It starts at 11:00am. Well that’s just great, Harrison wakes up around 10:30, I nurse him, dress him and drive 15 minutes to get there. Before I had a child, I was horrible at being on time. So of course now it is even worse. I arrived 5, maybe 10 minutes late to a 30 minute event. I look at the woman and ask if I can go in, and I think she actually considered saying no. I’m sorry, really? Am I going to interrupt “Wheels on the Bus?” Being a teacher I tried to understand, but I haven’t been back.
Sleep Cues
I have been following this same routine since Harrison was an infant. Take the baby upstairs to his room, swaddle him (now he sleeps in a Zipadee-Zip), turn on white noise, shut the blackout blinds. He yawns, I lay him down awake and he goes to sleep. It is the easiest part of my day!
Do I have a snuggly baby? No.
Does that mean that he doesn’t feel loved because I don’t hold him enough? No.
Is he getting the rest that he needs? Yes.
Do I have time to workout and shower? Sometimes haha.
I might have panicked yesterday when our power was out and I couldn’t turn on the white noise. My husband and I always joke that Harrison will be bringing his zipadee-zip and white noise machine to college. Good news is, he still napped yesterday for 90 minutes without it.
I am still nursing Harrison in the morning and before bed. Sometimes if my husband gets up with him in the morning, he will let me sleep for a bit and give him milk. I don’t exactly have a plan for how or when I am going to stop breastfeeding but I know that I want it to happen before he becomes too attached. Who am I kidding, I think I am the one who is attached.
Harrison’s 14 Month Old Schedule
6:30-7am wake & nurse
7:30am breakfast
9-9:30am down for nap
11:00am wake
11:30am lunch w/milk (this was the second nursing session I dropped)
1:00-1:30pm down for nap
3:00pm wake, milk & snack (this was the first nursing session I dropped)
5:30-6pm dinner
7:00pm bath, nurse & down for the night
I really wish I started this blog sooner, it would have served as a great reference for the next baby. Instead I just have notes in my iPhone that probably won’t make any sense when I try to read them a year from now. Yes I realize that’s the second time I have mentioned another baby. 😬 No baby yet, but we are definitely thinking about it!
The two-to-one nap transition is a delicate time, balancing your child’s sleep needs with your own daily schedule. For me, this was accomplished between 12-17 months of age by extending the beginning of morning nap time by 20 minutes to half an hour a week at a time until it progressed to the afternoon. Yes, there were times that lunch seemed a very sleepy event, but eventually, a good, long afternoon nap was the result. Ideally for me, from 2-4;30 pm. I will be interested to read how your transition goes! Love and good luck!
Thank you!! Well said 😊 and a 2.5 hour afternoon nap sounds amazing!